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  Name of Quiz          
New Vocabulary / Sample Sentences
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Healthy Lifestyle and Exercise

Score :[4/5 ]
·         Humph: Humph. There's no way you can lift all that weight!
·         Abandon: They had to abandon the plan to build a house due to a financial crisis.
·         Out of shape: I have to start exercising because I'm so out of shape.
·         Cut back on: I have to cut back on the fatty foods I've been eating.
·         Take up: He has decided to take up cooking in his spare time.

Monday Oct 21, 2019
  Score :[5/5 ]

·         Endure: I can't endure my roommate's cooking for another day. It's terrible!
·         Entire: My daughter prepared the entire meal for the family.
·         Ingredients: These are great cookies. What ingredients do you use to make them?
·         Pinch: The chicken might taste better if you add a pinch of salt and pepper.
·         Preheat: First, you should preheat the oven to 325 degrees before you start preparing the meal.

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Apartement Rentals

Score :[5/5 ]

·         Furnished: Our first apartment wasn't furnished with any appliances, so we had to buy them.
·         Steep: The rent for the condo we looked at this morning was a little steep, so we decided to look for something else instead.
·         Split: The rent for housing near campus was a little steeper than I expected, so I decided to find a roommate to split the costs.
·         Utilities: I'm looking for a place where the utilities are included in the cost of the rent.
·         Trade-off: There is often a trade-off between living on campus and renting an apartment off campus.

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Traditional Souvenirs
  Score :[5/5 ]

·         Sourced: This fish is sourced from the sea near our house.
·         Pay/charge someone an arm and a leg (verb): I paid an arm and a leg for this car. It was so expensive.
·         Novelty: We bought several novelty gifts for our family while we were on vacation.
·         Carried on: My father carried on and on last night about his speeding ticket. He said it wasn't fair.
·         Come on: Come on. Stop telling these wild stories and tell me the truth.

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