Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gentlemen

    Realize it or not, we live in this world depends on the environment, we drink water from our environment, we breathe air from our environment and we eat foods which are planted from our environment. Our environment has a great influence on our life. Our environment gives us life. Good or bad the condition of our environment will definitely affect our life even our existence. Our environment is our life.

      Friends that I'm proud of.

The earth in which we shelter, breathe in, serve and provide for our daily needs has been damaged by the greedy hands of humans. The ozone layer has been torn and has resulted in global warming that threatens human life. Soil, water, and air have been so badly polluted that the quality of life has decreased. The land is increasingly arid due to fires and forest encroachment and plastic waste. The sea is increasingly damaged by offshore oil drilling, fish bombing, and various irresponsible exploits. Likewise, the air is increasingly polluted by carbon dioxide due to the combustion of oil and gas from motor vehicles, factories, household kitchens, and burning of garbage. Finally, the earth that is out of balance causes natural disasters in the form of floods, landslides, increasingly hot climates, drought, reduced marine life, and various emerging diseases.

The friends care about the earth that I am proud of.

Because humans are very dependent on nature. So far, the earth has served almost all the needs of human life. So that by preserving the environment means we maintain the survival of humanity.
Remember, no matter how small we can do, if it can prevent environmental damage, then do it. Because then we have made a very valuable contribution to the survival of the earth. Therefore, tell the family, invite their friends to care for the environment. Hopefully, we all become environmental ambassadors, so that future generations, our children and grandchildren can still enjoy the hospitality of our beloved earth.
Sorry for all the mistakes, and so on.

Wassalamualaikum, wr.wb


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